Lieve Stappers I am getting tired of this! Today, I was in the courtroom listening to the verdict of the Assize Court regarding compensation for the victims of the terrorist attacks at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek metro station. I had the opp... 13.11.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin V-Europe Hosts Successful Webinar on Injustice & Inequality in Victims' Rights On Friday, September 20, 2024, V-Europe organized a webinar through the EU CVT Hub titled " Injustice and Inequality in Victims' Rights: Addressing Systemic Challenges ." Held online via Zoom, the eve... 26.09.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin V-Europe Joins Belgian Delegation for UN International Conference on Victims of Terrorism V-Europe is honored to announce its participation as part of the Belgian delegation at the United Nations International Conference on Victims of Terrorism. This significant event will be held in Vitor... 17.09.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Informative Session by Victim Support - Insights into Criminal Justice: March 22, 2016 Attacks Victim Support led an informative session specifically on the execution of sentences related to the March 22, 2016 attacks, as well as the rights of the victims. V-Europe provided additional support t... 19.04.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Informative Session by Victim Support - Insights into Criminal Justice: March 22, 2016 Attacks Victim Support led an informative session specifically on the execution of sentences related to the March 22, 2016 attacks, as well as the rights of the victims. V-Europe provided additional support t... 19.04.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Debates on civil claims at Justitia court Summary of Civil Claims Procedure After the lengthy Assize trial, the focus now shifts to civil claims against the convicted individuals. The Brussels Court of Assizes will hold sessions on the follow... 16.04.2024
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Bridging Voices: V-Europe at EUCVT and AVT Webinar on Barcelona Attack Victims In an insightful webinar hosted by the EUCVT (EU Center of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism) and AVT (Asociación de Víctimas del Terrorismo), V-Europe played a crucial role in amplifying the voices ... 19.03.2024 Justice & Truth
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Meeting with the Cabinet of the Minister for the Economy (Cabinet Dermagne) V-Europe, its coordinators, and one of its lawyers, Mr. Nicolas Estienne, engaged in a discussion regarding the proposed law on compensation for victims of terrorist acts. The association and its part... 08.03.2024 Justice & Truth
V-Europe, V-Europe Admin Reception of victims in the ‘Brabant Killers’ case A special meeting took place at V-Europe's headquarters, providing an opportunity for civil parties, victims, and relatives of the victims of the "Brabant Killers" to engage with a French magistrate w... 27.01.2024 Justice & Truth
Administrator Des "récits partagés" à travers l'art cinématographique *Lors d'une réunion poignante au centre culturel de Farciennes dans la région de Charleroi en Belgique, le 16 novembre 2023, un film évocateur, 'Revoir Paris', fût projeté, invitant le public à revisi... 16.11.2023
Administrator Conférence de lancement de EUCVT II V-Europe a participé le vendredi 12 mai à la conférence de lancement de l'EUCVT II, le centre européen d'expertise pour les victimes de terrorisme, dont nous sommes partenaires. De nombreuses tables d... 19.05.2023
Administrator La voix des victimes/survivants du terrorisme et leur rôle dans la prévention de la radicalisation Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, vice-président de V-Europe, a contribué au 17e numéro de *Freedom from Fear*, un magazine de l' *Institut interrégional de recherche des Nations Unies* sur la criminali... 19.05.2023